So, you want to date an English major? Before you ask one out, there are a few things that you should know. English majors are probably some of the coolest people in the world... alright, I'm biased, but it's true. You've just got to be ready to keep up with them if you want to date one.
1. An English major will make references to books you've never read.
Sometimes you just have to go with it. I, for example, love to compare myself to Dido whenever I feel the slightest bit neglected or mistreated by my boyfriend. Since he's never read "The Aeneid," he really doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. My advice for the non-English major dating an English major is to study up on some classics.
2. When shopping for an English major, you can't go wrong with items you find in the gift section of a bookstore.
Of course, we'll always be happy with a new book, but we're suckers for pens, stationary, and anything related to Harry Potter. From what I've gathered, English majors love nerdy nick-nacks, so you can't go wrong at Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, or the mother of all bookstores: The Strand (hint hint).
3. You will be astonished when you see English major book collection.
You might occasionally find yourself wondering how a person has so many books... actually, you'll wonder this all the time. While you may have laughed when you first saw their enormous collection, you will realize over time that they actually read all the books on their bookshelf, and an English major never fails to have one on them.
4. An English major will obnoxiously correct your spelling in text messages.
Don't take it personally, English majors do it to everyone.
5. An English major probably won't be too interested in helping you with your math homework.
Believe it or not, English majors aren't necessarily bad at math and science, but they probably won't be much help with those subjects. It's just not their favorite. If you're a STEM major dating an English major, just stick to asking her for help proof reading your papers.
6. An English major will always have a paper that she's working on.
Speaking of papers, English majors have to write a ton of them. While most students take tests and exams regularly, English majors have enormous papers due almost every single week. While you may think that it's easier than studying for an exam, I promise you that it's just as hard. In fact, English majors would much rather take exams on the books they've read than write 20-page papers on them, but it's much harder to BS a 20-page paper than a 30 question exam, so the professors stick to assigning papers. That being said, we're probably always going to be writing something, so don't get frustrated when your English major is spending all her time with her laptop instead of you. Don't take it personally, it's just life.
7. You will receive a lot of letters.
English majors are true romantics... probably because they've read so many love stories. Anyways, if you're dating one, you can expect your fair share of love letters, random cutesy notes, and other small meaningful gestures like that. English majors are great with their words, so prepare to be wooed.
8. You won't always understand an English major.
While English is obviously our first language, sarcasm is our second. English majors are incredibly witty, but sometimes their comments will fly over your head and you might think that they're just talking nonsense... and they are, but it makes perfect sense to anyone who can keep up.
9. She will the Elizabeth to your Mr. Darcy.
Of course, I had to throw in an iconic literary couple reference. Every English major is looking for her Mr. Darcy... screw Chuck Bass. English majors want someone that they can not only have witty banter with, but also someone who understands them and all their weird nerdy quirks.
So, if you're thinking about dating an English major, these are the things that you should prepare for.