Oh to be 19 again. The final year of still being considered a “teen” because your age ended in “teen.” Looking back on it, 19 was a fun year. You were old enough to be an adult, but at the same time you weren’t. So, little sis, as you go into your 19th year, I want to give you a list of 10 things to remember.
1. Always save time for laughter.
As we get older, we get caught up in life, school, homework, friends, places to go, etc. It can get exhausting. Laughter is the best medicine for anything, so give yourself a minute to laugh every day. Even if it’s sending weird Snapchat filters to me and mom.
2. Remember your roots.
You’re in your second semester of college and you’re busy. We get that because we’re busy too. But remember to check in occasionally and keep us posted on the numerous things you’re involved at school. We want to stay in the loop!
3. Adventure!
Once we finish college and start working, it’s going to be harder to travel and have adventure. Whether it’s traveling around our home city or traveling to a different country, get out and enjoy life!
4. Have patience.
Life can get crazy and we can all get a little frazzled. Frustration and exhaustion is a common thing for a college student, but remember to have patience. Everything happens for a reason.
5. Always have faith.
God has your planned mapped out. Now all you have to do is trust Him to guide you. Life gets crazy and sometimes our paths are a little blurred, but if we stay faithful, God will show us the way.
6. Enjoy the little things.
For example, that opossum that followed you back to your dorm that one night. Or that time you got stuck in the rain and sent a selfie looking like a drowned rat. Enjoy the little moments for what they’re worth.
7. Be a kid!
Granted, you’re legally an adult. But you’re in school, you don’t have a job yet. You’re responsibility is school. But have fun! Try things you haven’t done before and discover who you are.
8. Don’t be afraid to fall.
With adventure comes failure. Whenever we try new things, we sometimes slip and fall. Get up, rub some dirt on it (shout out to dad!), and keep going.
9. Follow your heart.
This sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Find what you’re passionate about it and do it. Do what you love. It makes life so much more fun if you can wake up and be excited about what you’re going to do.
Happy birthday, Olivia! I hope 19 is full of joy and laughter!