In college, we usually pick our majors based on something we're passionate about. Especially English majors. We sure aren't in it for the money! Here's a few surefire signs all English majors display that I'm sure you can relate too.
1. You adore the smell of books.
New books, old books, the smell of hundreds of peices of paper pressed together by a carboard cover is intoxicating. No one really knows why. (Admit it, you can imagine the smell of books by just looking at this GIF.)
2. Your dream date is a library or a bookstore.
Even if the date doesn't work out, at least you have the books to comfort you.
3. You get really upset when people misuse grammar or say that they hate reading.
Sorry. I can't help but judge you. I'll be nice and just judge you in my head though.
4. You would rather stay inside and read than go out every night.
No worries about makeup or getting home from the bars.
5. You get really excited when you hear someone else talking about your favorite book.
Did we just become best friends?
6. You've become addicted to coffee to stay awake for all the reading you have to do every night.
I half love coffee, half need it to get through some of these stories.
7. You have that one teacher that thinks he's God's gift to the earth and makes you read awful books.
Seriously, Ayn Rand is not that great and neither are you.
8. You know you've got it in the bag when you have to do a presentation on a book you've already read before.
You've got this.
9. Finally, you love what you do, no matter what anyone says.
You're happy with what you've chosen, and you can't imagine doing anything else.