If you live close enough to your campus, chances are, you like to go home every now and then. Or maybe you're lucky enough to have parents who generously pick you up after your last class. Whatever the situation, coming home and getting a break from living in dorms is treat.
Step 1: Packing
I'm telling you, you need at to pack at least three outfits per day you will be home, just in case of course.
Step 2: Lugging your stuff out to your car
Because you only want to take one trip, but of course your car is parked on the other side of the lot, this usually involves much struggling and dragging bags.
Step 3: Trying to pick the best time to leave so you won't hit much traffic
You don't have the patience to deal with traffic, just get me home!
Step 4: Of course, no matter what you do, you still end up behind a slow driver
Just drive your car people!!
Step 5: Finally pulling up to your house
Missed it so much..