Anyone who is an avid user of Instagram understands the process of posting a picture. You have to find the perfect time to post, a clever caption as well as finding the best filter so your skin looks perfect. It may seem stupid but to everyone who loves Insta knows that these are the steps necessary to keep raking in the likes.
1. Picking the picture.
I have never realized how hard it is to pick between two pictures that were taken just a few seconds after each other. Does your hair look better in one? Is your double chin showing? So many small differences that you have to notice before posting.
2. Finding the best filter.
Picking a filter can make or break your Insta. My personal favorite at the moment is Clarendon. It's a great filter, just in case you were in need of a new one. But hey, be bold and post that no filter picture, more power to you!
3. Running different filter options by your friends.
You have officially handed your future into their hands. Ask them nicely for suggestions and trusting that they won't guide you the wrong way.
4. Having the group chat brainstorm captions.
They ask the important questions and really help you figure out some solid captions. If you want to be punny or serious, they got your back.
5. Finally picking the best caption, picture and filter combo.
This was a group effort and it is celebrated as one. Everyone deserves to celebrate after dealing with you harassing them for filters and captions for the past hour.
6. Waiting around for the right time to post.
It's so annoying having everything set and ready to go, but you just have to wait until it's a good posting time. You know, the time when everyone will be on their phone, scrolling through Instagram, just ready to like your picture.
7. Posting the picture (and instantly second guessing all your hard work).
Am I sure that was the best caption? Why isn't anyone liking this, I screwed up the filter, didn't I? So many regrets hit you in five minutes.
8. Texting everyone to go like your picture.
Don't let them escape liking this picture. You just keep bothering them into liking your picture because every like does help.
9. Feeling relief when people actually start liking it.
Finally you can sit back and relax. All your hard work has finally paid off and you feel a sense of accomplishment (as sad as it may seem).