As summer draws to an end, college students prepare to go back to school. While students dream and get excited for this much awaited time, they often are met with a harsh and stressful reality—the reality of packing. So here’s the 9 stages we all go through when packing.
1. Procrastination
I have plenty of time to pack! There’s no need to rush. I should enjoy these last days of summer because I deserve it.
2. MotivationAlright let’s do this. T minus one week until move in. Let’s kick this packing party into gear.
3. Confusion
What do I even need to pack? How can I be ready for any/every situation thrown my way? Honestly how did I do all of this last year?
4. FrenzyAlright the best way to start is to just go for it. Let’s pull everything out of the closet and start folding it up. Ooh, I should probably start packing some school supplies too. Can’t forget about packing up snacks either. Hmm, I can multitask right? Let’s just do it all at once.
5. Realization
How many shoes is too many shoes? I definitely need all of these clothes. Yeah, I know I basically wear the same 5 thing every week but I need options! 4 whole bins worth of options….Oh goodness. Why do I have so much stuff?
6. Emotional breakdown
I can’t do this. This is too much work. I’m not cut out for this whole packing thing. Why does packing have to be so stressful?
7. Overwhelm
There is no way I can pack all of my stuff before Move-In. This is so stressful. I should probably keep packing but I think I’ll take a nap instead.
8. Panic
AHHHHH I HAVE 2 DAYS TO PACK EVERYTHING! SOS SEND HELP. PLEASE. ANYONE. Why didn’t I just pack all of this before?!
9. Finalization
IT IS DONE. Everything’s in a box and loaded up into the car. Now let’s get to campus and make this the best year ever.