GPP, or Group Project Procrastination, happens to the best of us. In fact, as I write this article, I am procrastinating on starting a mountain of assignments due this week, the final week of the semester. Thankfully, though, none of them are group projects.
To help me explain the cycle of GPP from my point of view, here are nine GIFs starring my favorite ninjas:
Stage 1: "Pshh, that project's not due until next week!"
You have so much time between now and then! Your only plan for today is to kick it back with some pizza.
Stage 2: "I'm bored. Maybe I should do my part of that group assignment... Nah, I still have a few days. I'm gonna go out!"
Why wouldn't you go out with your friends? The group project due next week, and no other homework because your teacher is giving you the week to "work" on the project... Sounds like the perfect chance to get out and have some fun.
Stage 3: "I feel like something is due soon, but I'm enjoying this show too much."
You feel as though something needs to be done, but if you don't remember it, then it's probably not more important than the show you're currently watching.
Stage 4: "Help! I don't know what this guy is talking about. There's no project due Tuesday!"
Some guy from your class has approached you and said something about a project, but you're really not too sure what he's talking about.
Stage 5: "Who are these people, and why are they begging me to do part of a group project?"
The texts start coming through and people have started hunting you down. You owe them something.
Stage 6: *panic* "Oh, that group project!"
The realization has set in. That project is due tomorrow, and your grade, as well as your group members' grades, depend on your work... oh no.
So you attempt to do your portion, and it feels like physical pain, mainly because you've forgotten everything about the project.
Stage 8: "It's 3 a.m., it's due at 8, and I have two pages left to write and then I have to go to the library and print it and..."
It's do or die now. So many things have yet to get done, and you haven't slept at all.
Stage 9: *walks into class* "See guys? I promised you I'd get it done."
But it's OK. You walk into class a mere three minutes before your teacher will ask for you to take out your portion of the project. You got it done, even if the entire world is mad at you.
In the end, it usually turns out OK for the GPP, but all of the time it causes your group members to shake their heads and freak out at you.