Loving yourself - it might sound weird, but it's something that everyone should really work on. Learning to love and appreciate yourself can do so many things for you. It can open doors, and give you the courage to try new things. Here are nine small tips (that I personally have tried) to learn how to love yourself.
1. Get a haircut - Since coming to college, I have tried so many different looks. For a while my hair was black, then I had purple streaks. Currently, I'm rocking an asymmetrical bob. Doing something fun and switching up your look can give you a new perspective of yourself.
2. Take yourself on a date- No one knows you better than you know yourself, so take yourself on the perfect date. Whether this is dinner and a movie, or sitting in the park reading a book, just go for it. Take some time to really focus on yourself. I've gone to dinner by myself and while it was definitely an adjustment to not have anyone to talk to, it was nice to just enjoy a nice meal by myself and not try to maintain a conversation. It can be fun to just go and do whatever you want without tagging along, or telling you that you can't do something because they aren't interested.
3. Go to the gym- I don't mean this in a "go to the gym and work out and burn 'X' amount of calories and lift so much weight your arms turn into limp noodles" way... although if that's what you love to do, go for it. Working out is not necessarily my forte, but being able to go to the gym and just use the elliptical for 45 minutes and listen to music really helps me focus, and also helps me feel good for the rest of the day.
4. Join a club or activity that interests you just for fun- It can be anything, as long as it isn't work related. Take a cooking class so you can learn how to make the World's most perfect cupcakes, or take a martial arts class just because. Do something you want to do. My personal goal it to take one new class a year just to say I did it. For example, this year, I want to take classes to become a certified Zumba instructor.
5. Keep a journal- Just write down how your day went. Write about what sucked and what went well. Give yourself an outlet to vent. Sometimes it's weird to have a bad day and go talk to someone because you don't want them to judge you for your feelings. By keeping a journal it can help you get things off your chest without the fear of someone judging you or invalidating your feelings.
6. Splurge- If you see a sweater and you fall absolutely in love with it, or you just really want to get your nails done take the time and do it. Don't stop and think about how much it costs, just do something nice for yourself. I get the importance of saving money, but every once in a while don't be afraid to treat yourself to something nice.
7. Have a good things jar- Every time something good happens, write it down on a piece of paper and store it in a jar. It can be whatever you want it to be. Whether the good thing that the sun was out, or that you just felt like you looked really good write it down. When you have a bad day, go read the good things in your jar. It will help cheer you up and reminds you that although today may suck, there can still be good things ahead.
8. Go on an adventure (friends optional)- Go try something completely different with a small group of friends or completely by yourself. Go take a hike, or take a road trip. Just get out there and explore. It's exhilarating to be able to go out and experience these new things and just get a taste of what you can do by just traveling and going a little bit out of your comfort zone.
9. Take mental health days. If you've had a really stressful week and the pressure is building. Just take a day off, go start that new show on Netflix, or take a nap. It won't solve all your problems, but it will give you a chance to relax and refocus. It may even help you clear your mind enough to find a solution. Mental health days can really help you gain perspective on anything and gives your brain a break from working overtime.