Finding Mr. Right in today's society can be so hard. All girls want that perfect guy who will always be available and constantly treat them like a princess. Together, the two of you will ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Are you wondering if you've found the one? Here are nine signs that you've found your prince charming!
1. He insists on doing every single little thing for you.
Don't be absurd. You can't open your own door or carry or your own books! Is there a puddle in front of you? Don't play around and jump in it, Prince Charming will carry you right over the puddle. Actually, he'll carry you through any problems that you face. EVER. You'll never have to cook dinner, do the laundry, or wash those nasty dishes. When the dragon comes around, he'll be there to slay it.
2. He carries around a sword.
What more could a girl ask for? A true gentlemen will never let you fight your own battles. This might be awkward when you get on the Subway, or when you go through airport security but having such a protective guy is really much more beneficial than public transportation.
3. He sings ALL THE TIME.
This might sound like it would be annoying but it actually is quite endearing. Prince Charming is never sad, of course, or off key. He'll sing anything from Silento's "Watch Me" to Jason Aldean's "Big Green Tractor." And when he sings with his shirt off? Oh baby.
4. He has a foot fetish.
It's worth it if it means that you can get those glass slippers! The sad thing is that they only come in one size.
5. He kisses you while you were sleeping without your consent.
Lol. Personal space? Boundaries? What do you mean? It's soooo romantic.
6. He rides horses.
Cars are so last century. Would you rather have the prom king driving a mustang or Prince Charming riding his noble mustang? Keep apples and sugar cubes in your purse for snack time. And never, NEVER walk behind him. Glass slippers don't hold up well with manure.
7. He sticks peas under your mattress.
You wouldn't think you would notice this as much as you actually do. Don't complain about it though! It could be worse. You could actually have to fight a dragon, or worse, walk across a puddle.
8. He's actually a frog.
It isn't that bad, unless you hate long tongues, or eating insects for dinner.
9. He isn't real.
Girls get so angry when guys say they are looking for a passive, beautiful, and dependent woman but they forget that they are, in fact, looking for an ideal guy as well. Both guys and girls are looking for unrealistic attributes! Girls are looking for prince charming: Dashing, romantic and strong. I hate to tell you this, girls, but most Disney princesses encourage the search for unrealistically beautiful and ridiculously dependent women. The search for Prince Charming is just as absurd. By holding men to unrealistic expectations, we pressure them to be the perfect guy. But nobody's perfect and it's unfair for us to tell them to be that way.
Instead of looking for Prince Charming, let's STOP looking. Let's stop being passive and dependent. Live your life. Go on adventures. Be brave. Take risks. Try new things. Make new friends with guys and girls. Not being in a relationship doesn't make you a lesser person. Be excited to live your life and stop waiting for the arrival of some fictional guy. You don't need some guy to come save you. In fact, you don't need saving at all. As the Cheetah Girls once said, "I don't want to be like Cinderella / Sittin' in a dark cold dusty cellar / Waitin' for somebody to come and set me free."