For over 10 years now, "Grey's Anatomy" has graced our television screens. We have seen our favorite characters love, learn, and most importantly, be shoved into heart-wrenching circumstances where they either lose someone they love deeply or die themselves. (Thanks, Shonda Rhimes) And through all the ups and downs that we have allowed ourselves to be subjected to, we are no longer just fans of "Grey's Anatomy." But, I wouldn't go so far to say that we're obsessed with the show, but rather... low-key obsessed. So with that being said, I present to you the 11 signs that you are low-key obsessed with "Grey's Anatomy."
1. You built such a strong attachment to the characters on the show that when they die off or leave, you can’t help but cry...and cry….and cry some more.
You have the tendency to run out of tissue boxes on a daily basis when it comes to watching this show. No one is ever safe.
2. You have Bailey’s five rules memorized.
3. You have a love-hate relationship with all of the characters at one point or another during the whole course of the show.
4. Every time you see Alex Karev go through another failed relationship you find a piece of your heart slowly breaking.
From Izzy to Ava, Alex never seems to have a girlfriend or a significant other that lasts for a long period of time. No matter how many redeeming qualities Alex has, there is nothing that can prevent Alex from getting his heart broken over and over again.
5. Whenever you’re in a tough situation and words seem to fail, you always remember to dance it out.
Dancing has a way of relieving all the burdens that seem to rest on your shoulders.
6. Your best friend isn’t your best friend but your “person.”
And you always make sure to remind them of that every single chance that you get.
7. Any time before you go to do something, whether it be a speech or a project, you find yourself thinking: “It’s a beautiful day to save lives.”
Life saving today!
8. Meredith and Derek’s relationship will always be considered the greatest pairing to ever grace the television screen.
9. George's death has left a giant hole in your heart that is unable to be fixed.
This had to be the most unexpected death that ever was broadcasted and everyday you still silently curse Shonda Rhimes for killing him off.
10. Ever sine Callie and Arizona's marriage fell apart, you find yourself questioning what love really is anymore.
11. And finally, after watching a handful of seasons, you find yourself thinking that you can be a surgeon just like them.
Look out, chemistry, biology, anatomy...Well...