Reading is a common hobby for many people. However, some of us are especially into reading. Here are 9 signs that you are a bookworm.
1. You stay up until 3 a.m. to finish books.
It's impossible to put down a book that is absolutely captivating. Even if it's 800 pages, you will read day and night until you reach the end.
2. You've been told that you are a fast reader.
It's true. People are amazed at how you can finish a 300 page book in a couple of hours and retain it all, but you do.
3. You frequent local libraries/bookstores at least once a week.
And you get at least five books each time. You have to feed your reading addiction somehow!
4. You have probably been made fun of at some point in your life for "reading too much."
But you don't care at all. You love books and won't let anyone else tear you down for doing something you love.
5. When reading, you are completely into your book and block the outside world.
If someone tries talking to you while you're reading, they completely get ignored. There could be all sorts of chaos going on around you, but you just focus on your book.
6. Book series are your favorite thing, and it's so depressing when they end.
You love when you get into a book series, as you can read the continuation of a story line you enjoy rather than having to imagine what happens next. However, it's bittersweet, as all series must come to an end at some point.
7. An ideal Friday night for you involves curling up with a good book and warm drink.
Reading is a relaxing, fun activity for you, so you love to end your stressful week by reading an awesome book
8. It's pretty much impossible to pick one favorite book.
"What's you favorite book?" is such a dreaded question for you. You love way too many books to pick just one favorite, and probably have about ten favorites.
9. The book is always better than the movie. Period.
While it's exciting for a book you enjoy to be made into a movie, you find yourself questioning why they decided to cut certain scenes and disliking the portrayal of some characters. If people say the movie is better than they book, you tell them that they're insane.