I've always loved coffee, ever since I first started drinking it regularly when starting high school. Now that I'm at college, my daily need for caffeine has only escalated.
I never really thought about it until this week when I was getting breakfast in the dining hall with a friend and was on my third cup of coffee. Normally, I only start the day with two cups and then will have another one in the afternoon to refuel, but I was feeling especially exhausted this morning. She was saying how she would be off the walls all day with that much coffee, and our other friends when asked later on, agreed with her, that they could never have that much caffeine. Well, now I'm reevaluating my entire life and have accepted my addiction. Here are some ways you can tell if you too are an addict:
You need it every single day
A morning that I need to skip out on coffee for whatever reason, is a morning you may want to stay away from me.
You'll take it in any form
Black, cream and sugar, flavored, iced, hot...it really doesn't matter to me. I love a hot, black coffee in the morning to wake me up. But an iced mocha from Starbucks doesn't hurt every once in a while. As long as it's not decaf.
You don't understand "tea people"
Your bank statement is a coffee diary
If my debit card could talk, it would probably know my Dunkin Donuts order by heart.
Caffeine headaches
This is the most obvious sign of a true addict. If I happen to go a whole day without coffee, I usually get a pretty bad headache. All the more reason to get it though, right?
Coffee dates are the best
"Wanna go get coffee?" is my favorite text to get. Is there anything better than catching up with someone over your favorite coffee order?
Any time of the day is acceptable for coffee
Coffee with breakfast, lunch or dinner. Doesn't really make a difference.
Your mood is so much better after having it
Literally any bad day can be turned back around with a quick trip to the drive thru or to the Keurig.
You probably get judged
Sure, tons of people love coffee. But your daily need for it has most likely made you the butt of some jokes/criticism.