Puppies are really cute and at a young age they all have similar tendencies. As they grow up some may or may not get better or worse, but for the most part we love our dogs! However sometimes looking at relationships from the outside it seems to me like sometimes significant others show affection like a dog.
Your attention is a necessity.
When it's time for you to leave they get really sad.
Its not even cute when dogs do it.
They really really love kisses.
Always in your face.
"Hey. Hey. Hey. What are you doing? What are you doing? Where are you? Where are you going? Come play with me"
Everything you do is extra exciting.
For dogs this is normal because there's always new toys and new parks. However for your S.O. this is kind of weird especially when they are excited that you did your laundry or got to work on time.
You have a second shadow because they follow you around 24/7.
They become cautious and alert when other dogs are around.
Especially if you have the intentions of interacting with said dog.
The entire bed is theirs.
You weren't sleeping here were you?
The right time to snuggle is all the time.
Forget about doing anything really productive with your day.
Whether it's cute or annoying that your significant other reminds you of a puppy is for you to decide.