Pledging can be a whirlwind of a semester for many Greek organizations. There are many requirements and events that need to be carefully executed so things go smoothly and initiation is the best day it can be. The best part of pledging is getting a pair of pledge parents that are there to make sure you, as a pledge, have everything you need and be your biggest fans -- kind of like real parents. Here are some signs that they may be like your real parents.
1. They call you "kiddos" and "babies" and other classic, cute mom nicknames.
2. They check up on you to make sure you have all of your work done -- no matter what.
3. They brag about you and tell you how proud they are of your accomplishments.
4. They support you in all of your endeavors and encourage you to try new things.
5. They know just what to say when you're having a rough day.
6. They just want what is best for you!
7. They will drop everything to help you.
8. They are practically perfect in every way and you just cannot figure out how they do it.
9. Life just would not be the same without their hugs and wisdom.
They are the most genuinely kind people you will ever meet so cherish them and let them know they rock! Thanks for everything you do; we love you!