When our lives get hectic and busy, we tend to lose sight of certain things: our ideas, our confidence and our stability. It's easy to feel like we've suddenly forgotten all the lessons we've learned and it's easier to feel like we're slipping into the rabbit hole of insanity.
Because we forget these things, here's a list of things to remind yourself of.
1. Whispers behind your back do not define who you are.
Maybe it's old friends who can't seem to keep your name from rolling off their tongues or maybe it's a stranger that only sees you at face value. People who are trying to bring you down do not reflect the type of person you are. It says more about their character than it ever will about yours.
2. You are in control of your own life.
This is the most wonderful thing that I have ever realized. You choose to react to situations and to people how you want. You don't like the job you have now? Get a new one. You don't like where you live? Move. Your significant other drains you? Let that person go. You make the decisions.
3. You aren't where you used to be.
Every so often I find myself reflecting back to a few short years ago when I thought everything was a big deal and that I'd never feel okay again. I don't think about the way that things used to be much, but when I do I remind myself of how things are now. I'd rather be here than there.
4. You don't have to have it all figured out.
No one expects you to. Even those who appear to be put together have their faults. Comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else's highlight reel does more harm than good.
5. It's perfectly acceptable to be single.
On days when we're feeling lost and anxious, we tend to be our worst critic. We pick at every minor flaw and let the voices inside dictate how we see ourselves. You're doing fine on your own. You'll learn more about who you are and what you want when you're on your own. Incredible things can happen on your own time.
6. It's okay to have a string of "off" days.
You could be feeling your absolute best for months and then wake up one day feeling completely thrown off. It's normal and you don't need to provide anyone with an explanation.
7. It's okay to make mistakes.
This isn't an excuse to simply do whatever you want, but remind yourself that everyone slips up once in awhile.
8. You are the judge of when it's time to take it easy on yourself.
You know yourself better than anyone. There is nothing wrong with crawling into bed at 6 p.m. and flying through an entire Netflix series once in awhile.
9. One foot, then the other.
Self-doubt can be a monster. Taking things one step at a time can be a draining process when all we want to do is fast-forward and see how things play out. One day it'll catch you off-guard and you'll look around and see that finding yourself wasn't as daunting as you thought it would be.
Hang in there.