Boyfriends. Yeah, they're great. We love em, whatever. But as much as you say you love your boyfriend, I can guarantee you, he's gotten on your nerves so much that you question the very essence of your relationship at least once (don't lie, no one likes a liar). So yeah, we like them most of the time, but if you're claiming to be a part of some perfect and beautiful non-annoying relationship- congrats! Welcome to the second week of your relationship.
PSA this was written with my boyfriend's approval AND contribution.
1. He Makes You Fat
Relationships are built on food. Dinner dates, takeout, brunch dates, running through drive throughs, etc. Let's face it within the first honeymoon stage months you're gonna pudge out a little. You're happy! It happens! Instead of going to the gym, you're blowing it off for a pizza and movie night, all while blissfully ignoring the extra pounds you're adding on.
2. He Makes You Watch Stupid Movies
If anyone has been personally victimized by Jason Statham movies, please raise your hand. They sit through the notebook, so we have to sit through Die Hard AND act engaged and excited the entire time. It's only fair.
3. He Makes Stupid Jokes
and you have to laugh. Especially if it's in public. You can't leave him hanging when no one laughs at his stupid Kevin Hart impression, you gotta come to his rescue. Please no more stupid jokes, there's only so many times we can fake laugh to save their ego.
His true love, and sometimes your worst enemy. It takes all you have not to throw it across the room when he's scrolling through Instagram and twitter for the 10th time THAT HOUR. it's not that you're boring, of course not, you're great that's why he's dating you. But damn that phone, it's always calling. ;)
5. His Aux Cord
"Hey, babe can I have the aux?" His music rocks and yours sucks. His Spotify playlists trump yours every time (according to him).
6. He Gets You Sick
If he's sick, you know you're about to get sick. Even if you do absolutely everything to avoid it, it always seems to happen!
7. He's A Giant Baby When He's Sick
Whether he's hungover or actually sick, it's a known fact all men are giant babies when they're sick. You end up waiting on their hand and foot, because you care about them and their happiness, and you don't want to leave them in a ball of their own snot and tears.
8. He's cute enough for you to ignore 1-7
Yes, boyfriends can be annoying. But that's life! We can all be annoying sometimes! I'm sure he could make an entire list of annoying traits about you too, but that's okay. It's a part of being in a relationship. And let's face it, the good usually outweighs the bad. They're annoyingly cute, you have to ignore their little undesirable traits for the greater good.