Traveling the world is a great way for young people to learn about different languages and cultures. Though I have not traveled abroad extensively, I can still see the benefits it has for young people. Based on my experience, I recommend every young person get out of their hometown and see what's out there. Here are nine ways that traveling has changed me forever.
1. Life is short and the world is wide
Life is too short and you may never have another chance to travel and explore the world. Let's face it, there is nothing you can do to guarantee yourself a long life or old age. No matter how fit and healthy you are, a freak accident could happen at any moment and you may never get to see the places and cities you want to visit.
2. Traveling is a fun way to learn more about the world
Not a big fan of geography and history? Trust me, a visit to Paris or Montego Bay or the D-Day beaches in Normandie will change the way you think about history and geography. Traveling, with all of its fascinating sights and sounds, is by far a supremely gleeful way to learn more about the world's economy, history, sociology, politics, and geography. As far as I'm concerned, it is far better than listening to a professor lecture inside a four-cornered classroom.
3. Gives you reasons to be thankful
Most of us have become too blinded by materialism and our consumerism-filled lives that we forget to be thankful for all of the blessings we have received. But, try to pass by the shacks on the side of the road in Jamaica that people call home, and you'll know how privileged and lucky you are.
4. It forces you to become more independent
Traveling, during your young adult stages, is quite different from your family holiday in Disney World. For one, thing you won't have your parents to hold your hand and make the big decisions for you. You will be put into real-life situations that improve your street smarts as well as organizational skills.
5. Lets you master the art of budgeting
Travel young because it will teach you how to be a frugal and budget-conscious wanderer. Moreover, it teaches you how to be a pro, when it comes to haggling at flea markets and small shops. Trust me, being stranded in the Paris airport with no way to pay for your second suitcase is very educational.
6. Travel young because you're in tip-top shape
Sadly, not all old folks can enjoy the thrills and excitement of traveling as a young adult. Spine-tingling outdoor adventures like cliff dives, steep mountain treks, and skydiving are just not doable when you're older. Plus, most archaeological and historic sites are not equipped with elevators and escalators.
But when you're young, your body can handle almost everything you throw at it. Whether you are skydiving in Dubai or trekking in the Himalayas, it's a lot easier for you to do adventurous activities, when you travel young.
7. See the world's most beautiful and breathtaking natural wonders
Need a change of scenery? Don't worry, as the world is dotted with spectacular natural wonders that will leave you in utter amazement, such as the Grand canyon, Great Blue Hole, and Mount Everest.
8. Traveling young because it can enrich your career
Traveling, in many ways, can lead to a very rewarding career. Not only will it boost your confidence, but it can also make you a better negotiator. In addition, it helps you develop your skills in problem solving and creative thinking.
9. Wonderful stories to share
And, finally, the best part of traveling young is that you will never run out of fascinating stories to share with your future boss, co-workers, spouse, children, and grandkids.