Jewish geography: also known as the art of Jews instantly making connections with other Jews, and trying to figure out which people they know in common, from summer programs, Hillel, BBYO, USY, camp, life, etc. Jewish geography is truly a magical thing, especially because it has allowed me to meet so many new people throughout my life. If you're like me, and relate to any of these, you should probably drop whatever else you’re doing, and consider changing your major to Jewish geography.
1) You’ve made endless amounts of connections with people just because they’re Jewish
2) Your Facebook friend list is composed of tons of Cohens, Katz’s, Rosenbergs, Goldsteins, etc.
3) You’re from some elderly populated area of South Florida
4) You were in NFTY, BBYO, or USY and have lifelong friends from all over the country because of it
5) You spent every single summer at camp, or in Israel, or on a summer program
6) You still sleep in Bar/Bat Mitzvah t-shirts circa 2008
7) You have already planned when you’re going on Birthright, or you already went and it was a lifechainging experience
8) Most of your college friends have become your friends because you all go to Hillel together
9) You can’t go anywhere without running into someone you know (even if it’s your cousin’s, best friend’s mom)