Having a job you love is one of the most important things to find in life. You spend the majority of your life working, so why not love that part? I’m sure there are plenty of jobs that come with great rewards, but working with children trumps all of those.
Working with kids is a hard job. You learn that your needs are no longer first. They need to eat before you, their health is more important, and their needs are your main concern. Your reason for working with them is to keep them safe and well. They will complain, give you attitude, do exactly what you say not while looking you right in the eye, and ask you “why” more times than you can count. But the rewards from these children beat out everything.
1. They will play with you.
Remember the last time you played tag or hide and seek? No? Because it’s been about 10 years, but not with kids. They make you play and force you have an enjoyable time. They bring the child in you back out. They beg for your inclusion, and it really makes you feel wanted in their lives even if it is just because you tickle them when you catch them.
2. You learn from them.
I have made plenty of mistakes working with children. I have put the blame on the wrong child before assessing what exactly happened. I’ve given the wrong answers to important questions. They teach you things you didn’t know and help you out. They are sincere in their teachings, never a cynical or “I told you so” type of way.
3. They forgive you.
As I said before, I have messed up. No matter what mistake I make, whether it’s the mispronunciation of a word or telling the kids they can’t do something their parents always let them do, they will forgive you. They understand you are human and that you make mistakes. Unlike a boss at work who reprimands you, they let you know to just choose a different option next time.
4. They greet you excitedly.
There is no better way to go into work than with huge hugs and “good mornings” from happy to see you little kids. Even though you are exhausted because it's 7:30 a.m. and you’d much rather be in bed, they make every early minute of it worth it because they are so happy to see you again. I’m sure this beats out any groggy hello from the co-worker in the office.
5. Your life is so interesting to them.
Whether you skydive every other weekend or just have a movie night with friends and watch some Netflix (like myself), kids will be absolutely fascinated by your totally cool adult life. Everything you do will be like an Oscar winning movie to them. Oh and if you have a love life? You’re their new favorite movie star.
6. The first “I Love You."
I can for a fact tell you, no other job provides such a sweet and sincere “I love you” than working with kids does. The first “I love you” from a kid is the best. You know that you have wormed your way into their open hearts, and they will forever remember you.
7. The sigh when mom and dad come home.
Can someone else name me a job where your coworker sighs at the thought of a work day being over? When mom and dad arriving is a disappointing part of a kid's day because they know you have to leave, you know you're doing a great job. You leave feeling sad that you have to wait a whole 14 hours to see them again. Even worse when it’s Friday!
8. When you look at the clock and think, “Where did the day go?”
Hours spent with children fly by because your entire day is filled with fun, laughter, games, crafts, and exercise! Seeing the clock tick by and knowing soon you'll have to part with these amazing kids can really suck. Especially on the last day of work, it’s the dreaded 6 p.m.
9. The goodbye hug followed by “Don’t leave!”
My absolute favorite part about working with kids. The clinging to your body hug, the “No don’t leave!”, and the “just one more hug” for the fifth time, is the best feeling ever. You have done it. You are in this child’s heart and head. You are almost like family. You have impacted their lives more than you can imagine, and they have certainly impacted yours, especially when it’s you asking for one more hug for the fifth time.
There is no job I could love more than working with children. You feel love, appreciation, respect, and incredible happiness. You’re doing so much more than a job. You’re shaping a life, creating a bond, impacting a future. I feel so blessed that this is my passion and that I’ll get to have this feeling for all those years that I spend working.