We all have our hurdles. Although individualized, these challenges we face may be deteriorating to the mind, body, and soul. However, you can persevere through these hardships and learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible. If you need help along the way, look to these reasons why you're going to overcome these struggles.
1. You’re stronger than you think.
We often underestimate our power. Interestingly, a runner may think they have reached their peak speed, feeling as if it is physically impossible to move any quicker, yet they exceed their expectations when digging within themselves and pulling that inner strength out. Our hardships are similar; we may think we’ve used up all the possible strength we have, yet most times there’s some more gas left in the tank.
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2. You have the support of family and friends.
Although you may be facing challenges alone, that does not diminish the fact that there are people who love and care for you unconditionally. When you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to, you can turn to those who have been there all along.
3. If you believe so, you have the support of a God or higher power that is constantly watching over you.
Many people are not religious, those who are can consistently have a higher power to look to. Through the words of The Bible or other religious works, we learn to appreciate every experience that comes our way, take it with a grain of salt, and interpret it ourselves.
4. Believe that everything happens for a reason.
Whether it’s something terrible or something great, I like to believe that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you were supposed to come in late to work that day, and miss your usual train that had complications. We have to take these experiences, good and bad, and believe that it happened because it was supposed to.
5. Look for beauty in everything.
Look for the beauty in nature, in other people, in animals. It’s easy to appreciate the amazing things our world is blessed with, and it allows us to take a step back and realize how our problems lay out in the grand scheme of everything.
6. Find the answers you need within yourself.
When we’re hurting, we’re looking to anything and anyone for answers. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? We need to look within ourselves, at our original identities, and process these tough situations we have to deal with. Everyone is experiencing different things, and it’s hard to see the correlation when you feel alone in your own suffering.
7. Ask for help.
If you’re feeling extra down, don’t be afraid to ask for help. People struggle the most when they rely only on themselves for healing, when in actuality, they would benefit from the assistance of a family member, friend, or someone they can receive counsel from.
8. Find peace in solitude.
While asking for help is beneficial, so is being alone. Sometimes all we need is ourselves; for our own body and mind to be replenished through solitary thinking. With some alone time and a clear mind, you can find peace with yourself and your surroundings and forget about your problems for a short amount of time.
9. Love your life regardless of the hardships.
We’ve all been blessed with the beautiful gift that is life. We are growing, thriving, and benefitting from each experience that comes our way. Count every struggle as a chance to be a better you, and become stronger than you ever thought possible.