Brooklyn Nine-Nine follows the exploits of the hilarious Detective Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), his lovable colleagues and their more-serious-than-a-hunk-of-actual-granite boss, Captain Holt (Andre Braugher), as they police the NYPD’s 99th precinct. If this summary of the Fox original hasn't convinced you yet, here are nine reasons you should be watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
1. It is a great and diverse group
Are they they best police force on TV? An argument could definitely be made for that.
2. Gina's One Liners
"Let's give the people what they want."
3. Jake and Boyle's Bromance
Boyle is Jake's biggest fan and, even though he doesn't always want to admit it, Jake would do anything for Charles Boyle.
4. The women kick butt
Not just Rosa, but Amy and Gina and Sharon Jeffords. Pretty much any women who comes onto screen is just as likely to kick butt as any male who the gang encounters, which is exactly how it should be.
5. A black gay man in power?
Oh, yeah, we've definitely got that. You better believe Captain Raymond Holt is not here for your crap.
6. Halloween Episodes
The heists are to live for and to die for.
7. Amy and Jake
Most TV shows revolve around sexual tension like it's nobody's business. But, when it's Amy and Jake you're watching dance around their feelings for each other it's totally worth it to wait until the next episode.
8. Jake's responsibility
It'll make you feel better about how you're feeling about your life, probably. Unless you're at Jake's level, in which case I'm so sorry and you should find yourself an Amy.
9. The best guest star to ever appear on TV
Cheddar is a constant treat in the show, a peek at the gang's life outside the office and also the cutest dog in the world.