Ever since my first foreign mission trip, I have had the travel bug. Any time a trip overseas comes up and I have the resources to go, I go! Since my first trip to Honduras in 2012, I have been back to Honduras a second time, been to Germany and Denmark. This July I will be spending 15 days in Brazil! For a 20 year old, I consider this list pretty impressive. For those of you who have travelled internationally before, whether just once or tens of times you don’t really need convincing as to why it is wondrous! However for those of you reading this who are skeptical and think nowhere is better than your hometown, here are 9 reasons why you should travel internationally.
1. It gets you out of your comfort zone
Too often, many of us get so comfortable where we are and how we live that we don’t want to rock the boat. I am not saying that being comfortable is a bad thing, but being complacent can be. I can imagine that you like the way things are in their current state, however change isn’t always a bad thing. I have always said that the greatest place to be for growth is outside your comfort zone. So get on that plane for the first time and see the world!
2. It gives you a fresh perspective.
No too people are exactly alike. You may think that you’ve met every type of person and heard every view point out there. Well, I hate to break it to you but you’re wrong. Every time I travel somewhere new, I meet different people who have different opinions. It is a beautiful thing. God created us all unique and therefore, we all have something different to say and can all contribute to a conversation.
3. It’s fun!
Sightseeing, shopping, working, volunteering. These are just some of the things you could do while traveling around the world. Yes, you could read about or watch videos on all of activities but that is nowhere near as fun as experiencing them for yourself! Bring a friend! I promise that anywhere you go will be full of beautiful scenery, eclectic shops and lovable people! You just have to be willing to go for yourself.
4. You get to experience different cultures.
It’s one thing to read about other countries and the way they live day to day life and celebrate holidays. It’s entirely different to see it with your own eyes. One year in Honduras I was there for Easter. While the main traditions stayed the same there were some major differences. Multiple churches reenacted the “Way to Suffering” where Jesus carried the cross to Calvary. Another aspect that was different was Easter Egg Hunting. Here in America, you fill the eggs with candy or prizes; not at this orphanage. Here the eggs were empty. I wish I could describe the elated look on all of the children as they hunted for these empty plastic eggs! They loved it, and hunted over and over again.
These are just two examples. When you allow yourself to experience common things in a new light, you see the beauty in difference.
5. It doesn’t have to break the bank.
I am sure you laughed at this one, not believing me. However I have already told you of one way you can potentially travel overseas for practically nothing. Check out my other article on SendMeNow here: https://theodysseyonline.com/sendmenow. But if you aren’t in college or aren’t involved in your local BCM, there are still other options. Local churches often go on foreign mission trips or can help you find one. Most churched have a way of raising money so that the individuals cost is not so much. If you aren’t looking to go on missions you can still travel. Save money, go with a group of people so lodging isn’t so expensive and find a travel agency to help find you the best deal! I promise if you are really interested in doing this, you can find a way to save some cash!
6. You may discover new and unknown passions of yours.
Until you travel to that orphanage you may never feel that desire to adopt. If you never go on an African safari you might never discover your love for wildlife. I know for me that traveling to Honduras on my first international trip opened a door. A door for missions. I know that for the rest of my life foreign missions will be a part of my ministry. If I never had the courage to step on that plane in April of 2012, I probably never would have discovered that passion of mine.
7. You make new and lifelong friends!
When I travelled to Germany and Denmark, the goal was to build relationships with the people I met in Germany and then travelled to Denmark with. It is crazy to think about how close I got with those people over the course of 8-10 days! While I don’t talk to them as often as I should, I still friends across the seas that are just a text away. Pretty cool huh?
9. Makes you grateful for what you have.
I have never been more appreciative of air conditioning than when I was without it the first year in Honduras. It’s funny though because the Hondurans didn’t seem to care much, because they had never had it. They didn’t know anything different, and therefore were content with what they had been blessed with. I wish I could say the same for myself on a day to day basis.
10. Makes you try new things.
When you travel to another country it is almost impossible to live exactly the way you would back home. The food is always different in some way. The language will most likely not be your native tongue, and those living there may drive on the other side of the road. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Order you breakfast in Spanish or ride the train back to your hotel. You won’t regret it!
While I know the thought of leaving your comfortable bed, eating strange friends, and being the minority sounds scary, it is worth every moment and dollar spent. Traveling has become a love of mine and because of that I will never stop traveling. The dream destination list keeps growing! How about you? Will you go? Will you get out of your comfort zone, try new things and meet new and wonderful people? I hope you will!