Every year when lots of college kids are preparing to move home and have an action packed filled summer there is always the small group that will be slaving away through the warm summer days trying to catch up or get ahead. Summer classes seem like a great idea every year... at first. Most people think summer classes are easier and don’t require as much effort. This summer has proven every good thing I heard about summer classes wrong, here’s why...
1. Summer classes go 10x faster
2. Working and taking classes is even harder during summer
3. You have to transfer the credit - this can be a nightmare
4. Summer vacations…. Ehhhh no
5. Paying for school during summer sucks even more than normal
6. Also buying textbooks that you will use for 2 months’ bites
7. Summer classes don’t fully allow you any downtime from school
8. The amount of material covered in a class can be overbearing
9. The stress during summer classes to meet deadlines every week (or day) can be extremely stressful.
Thankfully for most, summer classes are coming to an end and allowing for a few weeks of free time before the Fall semester starts. All in all, even with the downsides, summer classes are worth it in the end.