You know it. I know it. It's a common topic of discussion amongst girls. There's nothing really good about them except the fact that it's telling you that you're not pregnant. Shouldn't we be rewarded rather than punished, though? Here are nine of at least ten million reasons why periods are just the WORST.
1.The obvious: you are bleeding for at least three days straight. Sometimes seven. Sometimes fourteen.
Is that not just the best thing ever- looking down and seeing blood everywhere?
2. Biologically, your hormones are telling your body that you are pregnant.
We’ll revisit this in the next few points.
3. You want to eat everything in site because you’re never full.
And it’s not like it’s carrots you’re craving. No. It’s cookies. And ice cream. And fries. Because your body thinks you have another person it has to feed inside of you.
4. And because of this, you get fatter. Like, you actually put on weight.
Because your hormones say that instead of burning the calories, hold on to them because you need to bulk up to sustain the life that is(not) in your uterus.
5. You look like you did in middle school because your skin suddenly hates you and breaks out.
Yay, hormones.
6.You’re crabby af .
Don’t get me wrong, I hate that whole “oh, she must be on her period she so
7. Oh, and the pain.
Boys, imagine someone took your large intestine, wrapped it around your bladder, squeezed, and then jabbed knives into it repeatedly. For a week. And then you peed out blood and other gunk. Even when you weren’t peeing it out, you actually were.
8.You can’t really wear light colored clothes, tight pants, dresses, or skirts.
You’ll either see the blood or the outline of the pad. Plus you’re super bloated so you is NOT
9. It’s heckin expensive.
You’ve got the pain meds for your uterus, the Advil for your headache, the pads, the tampons, the deodorant, the multiple pairs of underwear, the soap; shall I go on?