9 Reasons Louise Belcher Is Everything | The Odyssey Online
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9 Reasons Louise Belcher Is Everything

The best of the Belcher children.

9 Reasons Louise Belcher Is Everything
Bob's Burgers

So I know I'm late to the party, but I just started watching Bob's Burgers and it has been less than a week and I'm almost through three seasons, which is genuinely a real problem. However, like any TV show I have inevitably found my favorite character. I absolutely LOVE Louise Belcher. She makes the show worth watching for me. Here are some of the many reasons Louise Belcher is everything.

1. She understands the importance of sarcasm.

Louise knows that a world without sarcasm is no world worth living in.

2. She does not tolerate bulls***.

She does not tolerate bullies; nor does she take any s***. Louise stands up for herself and solves her own problems. She's the strong independent woman we all long to be.

3. She recognizes her important role in the lives of others.

She understands her role as a younger sister and the importance of not letting anyone but her make Tina miserable.

4. She understands the importance of commitment.

If you want to do something right you gotta do it all the way, or not at all, like Van Gogh.

5. She's honest.

She never lies or sugarcoats anything to preserve someone's feelings and everyone is better because of it.

6. She will not be put in her place.

No one will stop her or stifle her creativity.

7. She's a saleswoman.

It doesn't matter if it's burgers or animal anus paintings if it can be sold Louise will sell it. There is no saleswoman like little Louise.

8. She's helpful.

She's always trying to help her family flourish; and she always has the most colorful solutions to whatever challenges the Belcher family faces.

9. She knows the importance of taking risks.

She knows if you don't have some adventures in your life it's hardly worth living.

Louise Belcher is by far the most wonderful child of the Belcher children. She has an insatiable love for life and adventure. Her sarcasm and wit light up the room; and her mischievous tendencies makes everything around her more exciting.

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