Everyone wants to have a fun time each summer, and driving to those places can be just as fun as your summer activities when you drive a Jeep Wrangler! I listed a few examples of why driving a Jeep Wrangler is the best for the summer based on personal experiences! I have driven a jeep since I got my driver's license and it can even make going to work fun from letting the wind blow through my hair, to watching the stars while I am driving home at night, to being able to just pull up to the drive-in and watch movies from my drivers seat, to even getting to tan while I drive! There is no other car out there that lets you let loose and have fun in the summer while also being practical other than a Jeep Wrangler!
1. Top down, doors off.
Unlike other convertibles where you can only take the top down, you can take the top and the doors off of the Jeep and still drive it on the road, LEGALLY!
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2. Practical and recreational.
A jeep can go from driving on the road to off-roading within a few seconds and a simple change in gear.
3. Jeep community.
When driving past another jeep, it is common courtesy to wave or give a peace sign to another Jeep passing by, anywhere, anytime, and anyplace.
4. Tire covers.
Dress up your Jeep with unique tire covers that show off your personality!
5. Space.
There is so much space in this tiny-looking, fun packed car. More than you would ever think a jeep would have.
6. They can tow.
If you’re going camping in a camper, you can hook up your camper to your jeep and be the coolest one at your campsite!
7. They are good in the snow!
Buying a car just for summer might not be in everyone’s price range, mine including, so it is important that you own a car that is useful in all varieties of weather conditions, such as a Jeep Wrangler!
8. People will actually WANT your messy hair.
As you can imagine, your hair gets pretty messy when driving in the Jeep, but, we all know that it is worth it!
9. It’s the ultimate all-American car.