Ever since I was a little kid I always loved Halloween and I still love it as an "adult". Halloween has always had a special something to it that holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving don't offer. For some Halloween is one night a year, for others it's a month long escapade. So here are nine reasons why you should love Halloween too.
1. The Candy
You know Halloween is coming when you start seeing bags of mini candies everywhere ... and obviously if they're mini, you can eat as many as you want, right?
2. The Movies
You can finally watch all the horror movies you want without everyone thinking you’re some kind of psychopath plotting a horrific murder. Let’s be honest, binge-watching all of the "Friday the 13th" movies in March can come off as a little weird.
3. The Costumes
Halloween is the one night a year that you can transform yourself into whatever you desire. Whether you choose be a zombie or a sexy nurse, no one is allowed to judge you on Halloween.
4. Pumpkin Carving
Forget painting, pumpkin carving is a true art form. Plus, you can make a delicious and healthy snack out of the seeds.
5. Scaring People
If you scare people on Halloween, you’re festive; if you scare people any other time, you’re an a**hole.
6. The Decorations
For some odd reason, I can only stick a skeleton on my front porch during Halloween.
7. There’s a Parade
Who doesn’t love a good Halloween parade? Instead of walking from door to door to get candy, some weird guy in the back of a flatbed will just throw it at you. You also get the chance to battle to the death with an 8-year-old over a Snickers bar.
8. Haunted Houses
You literally pay money to pretend to be in a crappy horror movie that’s all jump scares and has no plot. So, essentially, most horror movies.
9. The Dead Apparently Return to Walk Amongst the Living on Earth
It’s not a party until your dead ancestors show up.
Happy Halloween season!