As the school year comes to a close, and we all begin to move our stuff back into our parents homes, we can't help but miss the crazy people we went to college with. A summer without them just down the hall, or around the corner, is a long time to be deprived of them. So heres to trying to make it through the next couple of months solo :(
1. They liked you even as an awkward freshman
For the friends who have been there since freshman year-bless your heart. Through the ups and downs of adjusting to college, they never seemed to let your weirdness scare them away.
2. They were apart of the "I don't live at home anymore, I can do whatever I want" epiphany.
Whether it was holding your hair back after a rough night, or convincing you to leave before 3 AM they have earned your friendship.
3. They understand how you get before a big test/project
AKA they put up with your numerous mental breakdowns.
4. They let you leave your stuff all over their room when your in a hurry to leave
Thanks for letting me borrow all of your clothes, and then leaving everything I decided not to wear on the floor.
5. They call and ask if you want coffee on their way home from work
the answer was always yes, and the consideration was thoughtful.
6. They don't judge you.
Or at least if they do, they always say it to your face.
7. They answer your 2 a.m. Snapchats.
Gotta keep the snap streak going no matter what time of day it is.