A favorite pastime (and procrastination tool) of college students is social media. We're addicted to the mindless scrolling, our eyes constantly glued to our screens as we refresh apps every few minutes. With the extensive amount of time we spend online, we've grown accustomed to seeing the different types of posts. Here are 9 typical Facebook posts, as told by the cast of The Office.
1. The funny cat video
Who can resist watching those crazy felines chase unreachable lasers or fit into impossibly small boxes?
2. The too-personal breakup status
We get it, you're heartbroken. But do hundreds of acquaintances need to be reminded of it every time they log in?
3. The shopping haul photo album
How much money could you possibly make to afford ANOTHER car?!
4. Friends hacking other friend's accounts
I highly doubt Randy wears pink unicorn underwear, and if he did, he wouldn't be posting about it on Facebook. You're not fooling anybody.
5. ANOTHER engagement announcement
There's nothing like a couple who have known each other for two months letting everyone know how they're going to live happily ever after. Meanwhile, the rest of us are scrolling through and being reassured we'll be forever alone.
6. The bombardment of posts on your birthday
Don't you just love it when even your most distant of online acquaintances stop by your wall to wish you a happy birthday?
7. The provocative photos after a night out
Admit it, you're judging.
8. The infographics containing false information
No, sea lions aren't descendants of real lions. And no, this isn't an "alternative fact." Don't believe everything you read on the internet, kids.
9. Anything relatively obnoxious
I don't want to read that. Stop wasting my time, I'm trying to waste my time.
It's safe to say that millennials have a love-hate relationship with social media. While it can bring creative insight into our everyday lives, it can also be detrimental to our happiness if we become too preoccupied with it. So when you're scrolling through Facebook next, focus more on the good instead of the bad. More cat videos and happy birthday posts, less judgment and ignorance.