Fraternity Boys. Rowdy and unruly, but dating one can change your life. Although I do plan on rushing sometime in the near future, my boyfriend is currently in Greek Life and I'm not. People always ask me what it's like to be dating a frat boy when I am not involved in the Greek lifestyle. There are some highs and lows, as with any relationship. But I could not be happier.
1. What happens when he has socials?
This is usually when trust comes into play. He has his life and I have mine. You just have to learn how to trust him. Of course, I get nervous, that's totally normal. But I have my own friend group and I like being able to hang out with them. Sometimes it can be really bothersome. Especially on those days when I don't have plans due to weather or homework and he doesn't have a choice on going to the social. I have a lot of trust in him. But none of that matters, because at the end of the night, I'm the one that he wants to come back to.
2. Aren't you basically dating his whole Fraternity?
Yes and no. I am only dating my boyfriend, but I do go to his frat house quite often so yes, that means that I am around his friends or brothers a lot. I don't expect them to treat me the way that my boyfriend treats me, but I do love being around them. They all know who I am and they all know that I am dating one of their brothers. If he likes me, they like me. I treat his friends the way I expect him to treat mine. When I go to his frat house, I am usually there to see him. It's very rare for me to be at the house without my boyfriend. But I also know that when it comes down to it, if I needed a brother's help, he would offer it without a doubt.
3. Does he put his Fraternity before you?
This question always makes me laugh. I am his girlfriend and he always does everything he can to make me feel loved. But he pays dues for his Fraternity. He is allowed to tell me that he can't come over because he has something to do with his brothers. I don't expect him to ditch any events that his frat is involved in, and I wouldn't want him to. He was involved in his frat before I came around. I don't expect him to drop everything and cater to my every wish, although that does sound nice.
4. Does he just pay for friends or does he have friends outside of his frat?
I hate this question more than anything. He didn't join his Fraternity because he couldn't make friends on his own. He joined it because he wanted to. Yes, he has to pay but not everything in life is free. I hate seeing how frustrated he gets when he hears someone say that he is paying for friends. I'm not in Greek Life but I can tell you that he is not paying for his friends. Of course, he is friends with his brothers, but just like in any friend group, he doesn't have to like everyone. He does, in fact, have friends that aren't involved in Greek Life as well.
5. Does seeing him in Greek Life make you want to rush?
I wanted to rush before I met boyfriend but I didn't get the opportunity to until recently. I knew I wanted to rush but seeing how much he enjoys Greek Life makes me want to even more. He is so close with his brothers and he rarely has anything negative to say about his frat. I want to find a group that gives me the same support that he receives from his brothers.
6. Will it be easier for you to get into a sorority since you're dating a frat boy?
I don't even know where to begin. Are you implying that you don't think that I can get into a Sorority on my own? I really don't think I need help. If they accept me, I don't want it to be because of my boyfriend. I want to be accepted, because the sisters genuinely like me and want me to be a part of their family.
7. Does he invite you to all of his date parties?
Ummmmm, of course. I'm his girlfriend. Any event that says that he can bring a date, he always brings me. He knows I like his brothers and I always have fun with them. He also never misses the chance to see me since his fraternity takes up a lot of his time. It can also get pretty expensive. Of course he is a gentleman and usually pays for everything, I still have to buy a dress and/or shoes. There is always the pressure of never wearing the same dress twice, especially if pictures are going to be taken. But I never miss an opportunity to dress up.
8. Do you feel like you have to act differently around his brothers versus your friends?
Am I supposed to? I don't feel like I act any differently but I probably do a little. I know that the jokes I make with my friends shouldn't be made with my boyfriends brothers. I do want his brothers to like me but I want them to like me for who I am. I am not going to change everything about me to please them. I do nice things for them on occasion, like baking them brownies. But not because I want to be liked. I like the looks on their faces when I come over with a plate of brownies and see how much they appreciate it.
9. Don't you hate dating a frat boy?
Absolutely not! I wouldn't change anything about my relationship. I feel so safe when I am with his brothers and along with getting a boyfriend, I received another family. Being in a frat doesn't define my boyfriend. And don't judge me because I am dating a frat boy. I couldn't ask for anyone better.