I just turned 19 and i wanted to give some advice to anyone who is turning 18.
1) Put your self out there. No one gets anything done by sitting inside all day, try new things because you never know what is behind that door.
2) When you get chance to vote do it! Your vote matters, it may seem like it doesn't now but it really does especially on local levels so go out and perform your civic duty.
3) Life is tough but you are tougher, I know being 18 is hard, for most people you are living on your own for the first time and you don;t really know to feel about that, there are going bad days but just know you will get through them.
4) The world will thrown you crave balls. It is your job though to figure them out. This may seem scary right now but trust me you will figure out everything even it seems super hard in the moment.
5) Life is to short for you to do things you don't enjoy. It is very easy to go with the crowd in things you like but do things you really enjoy.
6) Be excited about things. It's cool to jump up and down for things you are excited for trust me you're not to old.
7) Do things on your own. It's time exploring who you are as a person, with out someone holding your hand, so go and do it!
8) Surround yourself with people who build you up.
9) Have a support group. Knowing that you have people you can always talk to is nice,
10) Love your family and all the quirks they have.
11) Don't worry what other people think,
12) You are not alone in this world.
13) Things are going to be hard.
14) Find the good in every single day.
15) Don't let negativity fill your life.
16) Do good things for other people, you fill amazing afterwards.
17) Remember to smile, even at strangers.
18) There is only one of you so make sure everyone get's to know because you are amazing.
19) Lastly you're only 18 once so make the most out of this year, i know i sure did!