Food is a large cultural component of the world. I don't just mean eating to survive, I mean eating because you love it. It may seem trivial to those people who only eat because it's a basic need, but for those people who would defend their favorite restaurant the way Americans defend their sports teams, this article is for you. Here's why:
1. Dinner is your favorite part of the day.
It doesn't matter how old you are. Whether you're a little kid, a teenager, or an adult, at the end, we're all the same at the dining table. You've had a long day putting up with people you don't really like, and doing things you don't really like, but have to do anyway.
But that doesn't matter because you know that once you go home, you're going to feast. It doesn't have to be a home-cooked meal. It could even be Chipotle, or that Panda Express you've been craving for a week. But no matter what you prefer, dinner is what you look forward to as soon as you come home.
2. Your favorite restaurant is your second home.
Everyone has a favorite restaurant. Everyone has a favorite food. But foodies will, in fact, defend their favorite food and restaurant until their dying breath. Now to a normal person saying, "That smells bad" about the food from their favorite restaurant isn't that offensive. But saying it to a foodie?
The result will probably be a lot of swearing and you walking away thinking about what a psycho they are. But they're not. They just love food. And dissing their home— I mean, favorite restaurant— will end up bad for you.
3. You love trying new foods.
You're down to eat anything if you think it'll taste good. Food is an art, and you respect that art. Trying new foods is usually associated with culture and different parts of the world. Chances are, if you do like exotic foods, you have a better understanding of culture than people who would never touch hors d'oeuvres and stick to pizza. Not that there's anything wrong with pizza.
4. You will choose food over people, and you probably already have.
Have your friends ever asked if you want to go out, but you have some really good takeout at home or you were planning to go to the restaurant with the really good food because you want to treat yourself? Yeah, me too.
Now, I'm not a horrible person. I swear! Food is a priority that sometimes comes before people. And if you are like me, welcome to the dark side. We have cookies. Just kidding— I ate them all.
5. You've seriously considered becoming a professional eater.
This seems silly, but I can say for sure that I've thought about a career in professional eating as more than a joke. You know, when you're sitting in class and you think, 'Why do I even need to be here? I have a very large stomach capacity.
I mean, it's not like I'm ever not hungry. I should just be a professional eater. I'd put those guys to shame. I hear they grow second stomachs. Imagine how cool that would be. I'd be able to eat twice what I normally eat, which is like 2 times what one of those guys eats. Yeah, forget this. I'm going to be a professional eater.
6. You're always hungry, even after eating.
This is probably because you don't just need food to survive, you need food to survive. It's not just because it gives you energy. It's because food is an art. And you appreciate that art. Don't worry. I do, too.
7. People ask you about where to eat.
Since you are an expert eater, you are a pro at restaurants and which one is the cheapest/fanciest/healthiest. Chances are, you're also one of those cool people who knows the owners/managers/employees of your favorite restaurants. Also, you're probably cool enough to sit at a table, say "the usual" and actually get your usual.
8. You're either EXTREMELY good at cooking, or you can't microwave ramen to save your life.
Personally, I cannot microwave ramen to save my life. But don't worry. There are chefs for a reason. And just because you're not good at making it doesn't mean you can't be good at eating it.
9. You know eating a lot is bad for you, but it's just so delicious— how can you not?
S O R E L A T A B L E.