Nothing is worse than having to explain yourself to someone. Especially when someone asks you daunting questions about your obsession with the library. For the record, I don't think anyone is obsessed with the lib. I think there are people who have a lot of work to do, who spend a lot of time there.. but I wouldn't call that an obsession. Just a huge problem.
1. "Why don't you just do your homework at home?"
Because, Nikki, if I'm at home, I will lay down in my bed and sleep. Like a normal person, if I'm in my room I want to sleep. Not do homework ok?
2. "I only go to the lib during finals week."
You actually ride the lib-bandwagon. You are the reason I can't sit at my spot, the spot I sit in every day during the semester, during finals week. You are the worst kind of person. Go home and study.
3. "Why do you have so much homework?"
There are actually a lot of things to do at the library besides homework. Like socializing and crying. But mostly crying.
4."Do you live at the lib?"
This one is insulting. I don't ask things, do you live at Pi Kappa Phi? Although very true that would make you mad, wouldn't it Angela?
5. "I've been in the library twice. Both times because of you."
I'm sorry that if you want to hang out with me you have to come to the library. It's not my fault I'm in so deep.
6. "I've been going to the lib a lot this semester."
Until you've arrived at the library when the sun is up and left after it's gone down, don't tell me you go to the library a lot. Staying at the library for extensive hours at a time is an acquired skill. I bet that's a special skill you will never be able to add to your resume.
7. "Why do you go to the library?"
Gee this is definitely a tough one. I guess you could say I like spending time in stuffy buildings. I also enjoy staring at a screen for hours at a time in complete silence. Thanks for asking, Jake from Sigma Pi with a 1.0 GPA.
8. "You're still at the lib?"
If you have to ask me where I am, we clearly aren't very good friends. I am always at the lib. Morning, noon and night.
9. "You're always at the library."
I'm in a fully committed relationship with the library. We have our ups and our downs. But for the most part, I will go to the library for better or for worst.
Moral of the story: if you're friends with someone who goes to the library a lot, don't say any of these things. What you should do is pack up your backpack and join them. Odds are, if you don't understand why they're at the lib so much, you probably don't have enough of the library in your life. Boom, roasted.