A new semester is upon us, which means a new start for all of us. Here are nine organizational tips to make your next semester the best one yet!
1. Keep a Planner
And actually use it! Use it to write down your semester's assignments, work schedule and social events!
2. Plan, Plan, Plan
Write your assignments and events down days and weeks in advance. Don't wait until last minute to make plans!
This is SO important, You never know when you will have to refer to it for assignments or even your teacher's grade=ing scale at the end of the semester. It is literally a life (and GPA) saver.
4. Check Your Email
I know this seems like common knowledge, but I have missed so many important events and assignment changes due to the fact that I skim over my emails.
5. Color Code
Color code your notes for different classes, It will make studying way easier in the end. Here are detailed instructions on how to do it.
6. Keep your work space clean.
Because we all know you cant study at a dirty desk....
7. Keep a consistent schedule.
This one is the hardest for me to do, but I am a much more productive when I'm not making my schedule up on the fly.
8. Do your assignments on time
Just because the 10 page paper for your English class isn't due til the end of the semester, doesn't mean do all of it a day before its due. Get started on assignments early and have a stress free semester.
9. Take care of yourself.
Your physical and mental health is more important than your History grade anyday.