Writing an article a week can be difficult. You know what's even more challenging? Coming up with ideas for each week. Fun, fresh content that at least one person will find interesting.
If you write for Odyssey, you're probably accustomed to sending a panicked text to your school's Odyssey group chat begging for ideas or banging your head on your desk a few hours before the expected deadline without a proper idea. Trust me, I've been there.
And I'm totally there this week. I had two ideas, scratched them both completely, then decided I would write something like this! Unoriginal? Maybe. Helpful? We'll see!
Here are some article ideas that I could never pull off, but maybe one of you can!
1. 10 Reasons [insert breed here] Are The Best
Everyone loves animals! They're adorable, they get views, and what's not to love?
2. 10 Characters I Would Let Stab Me
This is an unexpected kind of answer that could potentially reveal a lot about a person. Would you choose characters you're attracted to, characters you're afraid of, characters you trust, etc.?
3. I'm Obsessed With [insert food here], And Here Are The 10 Best Places To Get Them
A great article for the foodies of the world! I'm always interested in hearing about new places to eat—especially for one of my favorite foods! I'm always looking for the best crepe place around. (Farmhouse Crepes in Storrs, CT, is up there for me.)
4. What My Coffee Order Says About Me
A healthy dose of self-analysis in the morning is always fun. I don't drink coffee, but I'm always curious about how people take theirs.
5. 10 Ways I'm A Total [insert star sign here]
I'm not really into this stuff, which is why I could never tackle this article (although, you should never say never when it comes to writing), but they're always relatable and someone will enjoy it!
6. 10 Quirky Icebreaker Questions To Ask At Your Freshmen Orientation
Forget "where are you from"! Ask "what is the last book that made you cry" or "if you could learn one language automatically, which one would you choose"! Let's keep it interesting, people.
7. A Letter To My Younger Self
These kinds of articles often benefit the writer as much as they benefit the reader. It's helpful to do some self-introspection, and it's heartwarming to see how far you've come.
8. 10 Of My Favorite Words In [insert language here]
Languages are fascinating! If you know more than one, you should feel proud and share that with people.
9. If I Could Go Back In Time, I'd Watch [insert match here] In Person
If you're a sports fan, this could be an interesting one. You get the chance to talk about why you enjoy watching—or playing—a particular sport, and why you support your team. You could also analyze a past match that a lot of people enjoyed too.
Hopefully, one of these ideas resonates with you! If not, just choose the most interesting title you can, and roll with that idea.