9 Memorable Moments At OU During The Reign Of Baker Mayfield | The Odyssey Online
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9 Memorable Moments At OU During The Reign Of Baker Mayfield

Shake N Bake what a ride it's been!

9 Memorable Moments At OU During The Reign Of Baker Mayfield

This last monday was the end of an era for Sooner Fans across the nation. It was the last game for Baker Mayfield to play as the Quarterback for the Oklahoma Sooners. We, and anyone else who has watched college football since Mayfield began his career at OU know how much he has made us laugh, scream, roll our eyes, and cheer that much louder for our favorite team. Baker Mayfield has become a legend in his own right for the Sooners and will remain as one of the greats for the Sooners for years to come. As he moves on with his career, here are ten moments from his awesome career as an Oklahoma Sooner.

1. Planting The Flag

Of course this probably takes the cakes for most of us as one of the biggest moments for Baker's career. Following the OU/ Ohio State game during the 2017-2018 season, Baker proceeded to "plant" the OU flag in the middle of the Ohio State field. This event almost broke the internet, and made the Sooner Nation burst with pride.

2. The Dance

It was the goofy dance that we as Sooner Fans thought was just purely entertaining, but it eventually became a popular internet gif. Who knew our boy had moves?

3. One Word: Kansas

I'll save us a picture so we won't have to relive that game where we all rolled our eyes, but nevertheless, the OU/Kansas game was one to remember, maybe just because of how much we saw it plastered across every news and sports station for probably a week straight. Good Gravy!

4. The Traitor Shirt

Baker made the news and flooded ESPN when he wore a teeshirt that said "Traitor" on the front upon playing Texas Tech. We as Sooner fans thought it was very amusing, since Baker left Texas Tech to play at Oklahoma. Just one of the times the Sooner Nation laughed before a game!

5. The Pretenders Sign

This is one of those that we wish had worked out better for us, but Sooner Pride was bursting when Baker arrived at the Rose Bowl with a sign that said "pretenders" after announcer Lee Corso on ESPN called the Sooners "pretenders". Oh man sweet revenge!

6. The Arkansas Arrest

This was another one where we were all rolling our eyes and hoping that our guy hadn't completely ruined his career. Baker was arrested in Arkansas with charges of public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and fleeing and resisting arrest. He ended up not losing playing time and just having to pay a lot of fines and other things, but we can't deny that we all weren't embarassed!

7. Baker and Mackenzie

With a lot of sports players, they become inspired by certain people and Baker was no different. Baker met Mackenzie Asher through a program for OU football called "Special Spectators", which is a program for children with life threatening illnesses.They had a very close relationship and Baker often talked about the fighter that Mackenzie was. Mackenzie just recently passed away after her tough battle with Leukemia, and Baker dedicated his Heisman win and the rest of his season to her memory.

8. The Baker's Men

For some reason, a picture of the "Baker's Men" is very hard to find, so I figured i'd add this picture for your viewing pleasure. Anyone who has watched the Sooners play have seen the infamous "Baker's Men" or the OU students who wear white chef's hats, or "Bakers" to cheer on Baker himself. The student section will never be the same without him! Shake and Bake!

9. That Time He Told Baylor He Was Going To Spank Them

I mean, it's Baylor, and their record wasn't very good in the first place, so we did beat them, but that event was very similar to a lot of the others that occur while watching Sooner football under the reign of Baker; you just sigh, roll your eyes and probably giggle some too.

The list of memorable moments for Baker Mayfield could go on forever. He truly took the Sooner Nation by storm.

We'll really miss you Baker, thanks for all the memories!!!

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