In high school, being a band nerd was the best title I could have received. It wasn't the coolest title. It wasn't the most prestigious title. It was one that I was proud of and one that I loved. Anyone who also considered themselves a band nerd in high school understands how special this title can be. There are a few things in particular about being a band nerd that I have especially come to love and will always remember when I think back to high school.
1. The intense bond you have with so many different types of people about the same thing.
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Band kids aren't all cut from the same cloth. We all love music, playing our respective instruments and the thrill of performing. But like anyone, we are all different. Outside of the band room we all have different hobbies, interests and friends, but we are all able to come together and bond over our love of all things band. Band friends often make the best friends because the bond you have is so strong.
2. The band puns.
Understanding band puns and band memes is a crucial part of your life as a band nerd. Being a band nerd generally means following at least one band meme Insta profile or Facebook page. You love seeing these pop up in your feed no matter how cheesy they are.
3. The awful marching band uniforms.
Whether you are in a marching band or your band only marches a few times a year, wearing the uniforms can seemingly be the worst part of band. They are usually very baggy and uncomfortable and are awful to wear on an 80 degree spring day. But oddly enough, looking so ridiculous and laughing at ourselves together makes wearing these horrible uniforms an almost enjoyable experience.
4. Competitions.
Competitions are some of the best experiences you can have in band. Visiting a big city, performing in beautiful locations and staying in a hotel room with your friends can make for an awesome few days. Being in band is what brought you here and created these amazing and fulfilling memories.
5. You have a new appreciation for music.
Being a band nerd means you have gained a love for all types of music and its components. You find yourself trying to replicate songs on your instrument by ear or trying to figure out the time signature and conducting to it. You are now aware that music is made of so much and requires the efforts of so many people and knowing this is a big part of being a band nerd.
6. Classical or jazz becomes your new calming study music.
Because most band and practice music is classical or full of classical influences, you find yourself humming it nonstop and turning it on when you need to relax. It begins to make you happy, relaxed and give you incredible focus when trying to write a paper or studying. Even when you need to de-stress, turning on classical music and closing your eyes can almost make you feel like you are in a new, calmer world.
7. Having a mentor and a friend all in one with your band director.
Band directors do what they do for the sake of the music. It makes them feel like they are making a difference when they are able to partake in creating little musicians. They already respect you for taking the time out of your lives to learn an instrument and do what they also love to do. It is important to them, so they make themselves available to you in any way they can. Even if that means listening to you rant, giving you advice either music related or not, or helping you prepare for performances. They are some of your best resources and the connections you build with your band directors can be the strongest and most important ones you build during high school.
8. Proving people wrong.
Though you find so much joy in being in band and playing music, that doesn't take away from the fact that music is crazy competitive. It always feel so good to kill an important performance or audition when people are skeptical of you or don't support the music you make. The title "band nerd" also implies you have confidence and proving people wrong makes you feel unstoppable.
9. Finding a strong passion in something.
So, mission accomplished. You are a band nerd. Cool! But if you dedicate so much to music and the band that must mean you are very passionate about it. Having a passion and being confident in your musical ability is the best feeling in the world. Now that you have this passion, you will be able to use this to find passions and work hard in everything you do.
Whether you are still in high school band or have graduated, the band will always have a place in your heart. It was where you have made some of your best friends, traveled and performed in places you never would have imagined you would and especially found a passion. Even though you may not have continued playing your instrument it was once a part of you and you would never forget that. Though you may not still consider yourself a band nerd, there will always be a part of you that still does and will keep those memories forever.