Now that I will be entering my junior year of college, I can finally move off campus! Living in the dorms has definitely been an experience that I will never forget. However, I am looking forward to moving off campus. Here are some things that I will not miss about living on campus.
1. Fire alarms
Whoever thought it was a great idea to have a fire drill at six in the morning was wrong. Also, if you want popcorn at 1 a.m. for some reason, please don’t burn it. I think the rest of the building would appreciate it.
2. People who run and scream down the halls
Are you five years old? Why do you feel the need to do this? Honestly if you feel the need to run down the hall and scram, I don’t think college is for you.
3. Slow elevators
Most days, I would rather walk up several flights of stairs rather than wait for the elevator. Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about elevators or many flights of steps anymore.
4. Parking
I didn’t have a car while living in the dorms.However, on several occasions I was with someone who had to park very far from the building.It will be nice to have a driveway.
5. “Mandatory” floor meetings
Never mind. I never went to them anyway (Sorry, RAs).
6. Laundry room
With five washers and dryers on a floor, you would expect at least one would be open. Unfortunately, this was not always the case. You would think that people would be respectful and not leave their clothes in the washer or dryer hours after it is done. Again, not always the case. You would expect people would not touch your things or open your dryer before it is done. Well, I think you can see a pattern here.
7. The smell of weed
If you like to do that stuff, more power to you. To each their own. That being said, don’t do it in your room. All the vents are connected and I smell it even if our rooms are nowhere near each other.
8. Gross people
I have seen food spilled on the floor of the hallway. I have stepped in sticky stuff in the elevator. Someone almost threw up on me in the lobby (I don’t want to talk about it).One of the laundry rooms was closed because people dumped their garbage in there. Some people are disgusting.
9. Hearing someone’s music… From the other end of the hall.
I don’t mind if I hear your music as I pass your room. However, if I can still hear it when I get to the end of the hall, your music is probably too loud. For my sanity and your health, please turn it down.
The dorms haven’t been all bad. Mansfield University has beautiful dorm buildings. I am going to miss my big windows with the beautiful views. Also, there was often a program you could do if you were bored. So as much as I complained, thanks for an awesome two years, university housing. Now on to my next adventure!