"Friends," a sitcom that first aired in 1994 and ended in 2004, is still a hit today. It's watched by many on Netflix. Heck, I binge watched all ten seasons in a very short period of time. Although the show is from years ago, it's still very comical and even has some lines that are very relatable to people today — especially college students. As I watched the series, I couldn't help but hear a line someone would say, laugh, and think to myself "same." Here are just a few lines from "Friends" that are relatable to college students today!
Food is scarce to come by as a broke college student. When you've got it, you sure don't share it.
2. Rachel: "Hey, Mon, look, I'm melting butter."
Monica: That's great, Rach. You now have the cooking skills of a hot day."
Adulting is hard. Cooking is hard. Life is hard. We have to celebrate small accomplishments.
3. Chandler: "I'm not so good with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
Oh you need advice on what to do about ole frat boy Dylan? Yeah, I'm no help, sorry!!
4. Ross: "So, uh, what did the insurance company say?"Chandler: "Oh, they said uh, 'You don't have insurance here so stop calling us.'"
Adulting- I can't do it!! Just call mom.
When the professor tells you that you have a paper due at 11:59 p.m. that night... oops.
6. Ross: "You could not be anymore wrong. You could try, but you would not be successful."
When you have to listen to idiots talking in your class that make absolutely no sense.
7. Chandler: "All right, kids, I gotta get to work. If I don't input those numbers... it doesn't make much of a difference."
Basically how it goes with studying. It won't matter if you do it or not. You'll probably still fail.
8. Janice: "Oh... my... God!"
I say this about 100 times a day - no lie. Especially when I overhear stories from random girls from parties the night before walking to and from class.
9. Monica: "Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it!"
Yup, Monica, it sure does.