9 Incredible Places At Notre Dame | The Odyssey Online
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9 Incredible Places At Notre Dame

My favorite spots on campus.

9 Incredible Places At Notre Dame

Notre Dame is a beautiful place in general, and everywhere is pretty incredible. But here are nine places at Notre Dame that are absolutely breathtaking!

1. The Lakes

The two lakes located on campus, Saint Mary’s and Saint Joseph’s, are truly beautiful; it is easy to see why walking around the paths are a romantic tradition at ND. The view of the Dome from the far side is incredible, and the water is usually teeming with ducks and our resident swans.

2. The Entrance to O’Shag

The Arts and Letters building is a unique one; there is a certain vibe about the place that I can’t quite pinpoint. It is home to a quaint café, and its walls are covered from top to bottom in posters announcing lectures and special events. The entrance hall seems slightly out of place while at the same time fitting the building in an odd way. The tall ceilings, long table and medieval vibe of the room give the feeling of being in the Great Hall at Hogwarts.

3. The Snite

The Snite Museum of Art is somewhere that is extremely accessible to students, yet somewhat underappreciated. It has an incredible collection, and it’s easy to spend hours looking at everything.

4. Dorm Chapels

Although this isn’t a single place, each dorm chapel has its own unique personality. They offer Mass in a slightly smaller, more intimate setting than the Basilica, each with its own traditions (such as Dillon Hall’s Milkshake Mass). The older dorms in particular feature gorgeous stained glass windows and a look into Notre Dame’s history.

5. The Basilica

The Basilica is a must-see location on campus. Celebrating Mass in this beautifully designed, sacred space is an incredible experience. The walls are covered with religious art, from saints and their stories to images of the Holy Family. It is quite easy to worship in this space, or for the non-religious, to simply reflect.

6. The Dome

The Dome is just as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside. If you get a chance to go into the Main Building and look up to the ceiling, whether to listen to the trumpets on game day, go to a Dome Dance or simply visit, I highly recommend it. It’s an incredibly beautiful example of the skill of the artists and architects who built the school.

7. God Quad

Even though students cannot walk on the grass for the fear of failing Theology, God Quad is one of my favorite places on campus. From the beautiful flowers to the statue of Jesus with opened arms, the quad is simply gorgeous. It helps that both the Basilica and the Main Building lie on it; the Dome and the church’s steeple can be viewed up close in all its beauty.

8. Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross that lie around the lakes are one of Notre Dame’s best-kept secrets. A walk around the lakes can be spent in prayer and reflection, and it’s incredibly therapeutic. They end in a beautiful clearing with a cross in the center of a circle of benches. It is an amazingly quiet, peaceful place where a person can collect their thoughts and emotions.

9. The Grotto

The Grotto is probably my favorite spot on campus. It is perpetually quiet, calm and beautiful, especially after fresh snow has fallen. Whether you go there to pray, light a candle, let out emotions or just look at it, it’s a very special place. I believe that the Grotto truly captures the spirit and the beauty of Notre Dame in an incredible way.

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