With the presidential election just around the corner, it's hard not to be consumed by all of the different candidates that have been gracing America's presence for the past few months. Among the members vying for the presidential position, there is one candidate whose rehetoric and tenacity stick out above the rest. Yeah, you guessed it, it's Donald Trump.
Between his eloquent tweets and racially fueled speeches, Trump has officially branded himself as one of the most intriguing, and frightening presidential candidates that American democracy has ever seen.
I'm here today to share with you a list of household items that I feel could do a better job as president of the United States than Donald Trump because let's be real, I'd rather have an old dish sponge telling me what to do than this ancient piece of garbage.
1. A clump of cat hair found under my great aunt's sofa. You won't hear any ignorant slurs coming out of these bundles of joy!
2. A brillo pad because it's just as comfortable to wipe your ass with as Trump's toupee.
3. A tamagotchi because Donald Trump will run this country into the ground faster than it takes for your Tamagachi to die.
4. A gallon of bleach. You can pour it on your head so your thoughts are as white as his.
5. A moldy block of cheese. At least this chunky mess has an excuse for smelling like death.
6. A lamp. At least it's bright.
7. A computer from 1993 because its information about the world is still probably more up to date then whatever is going through Trump's head.
8. A toilet plunger because its job is to make sure nothing is full of s***.
9. A trash can. At least a trash can knows how to swallow terrible ideas.