There are a few comments you'll hear if you are someone that curses “too much”, or so they say. You know that it’s no big deal and are aware of when it’s OK to let your conversations consist of $@%#^%&#%. Some others just don’t get it, so if you’re a seasoned potty mouth, you’ve heard at least one of these lines.
1. "You sound like a truck driver."
This is a saying that has been around FOREVER. Do truck drivers even curse that much? This really gives them a bad rap, but you hear this time and time again because your casual conversations sound like a Lil Wayne song.
2. "Is that how you talk to your teachers?"
This is a favorite go-to for parents everywhere, so if you’ve heard it, you’re not alone. Obviously, I’m not going to tell my teacher that the amount of work we have to complete for next week is BS, but the post-class conversations among classmates is a completely different story.
3. "Is that how you are going to talk in an interview?"
Another parental favorite! As students, we’ve all taken it upon ourselves to seek higher education at whatever colleges or universities we attend. Parents, have some faith that at the very least, schools discuss interview skills at some point! So no, I will not drop an F-bomb as I exit.
4. "Since I started hanging out with you, I curse so much more!"
We all have that friend we met in college that maybe practices a different vocabulary than you, but nonetheless, you're still great friends. After hanging out a few times or maybe having some classes together, you become more comfortable using words that properly express your current emotions. Then, your new friend tells you that someone noticed that they’ve had more of a foul mouth recently, and it’s because they hear you curse. H-E-Double hockey sticks, no! Everyone should remember to take accountability for their own words and actions.
5. "Watch your language!"
This is one of the more common lines you’ll hear. But sometimes it’s a good idea to check yourself and be aware of who you are saying certain words in front of! Save it for the perfect time and don’t overdo it, especially in front of the wrong people.
6. "That’s not very ladylike/gentlemanly of you to say."
This is 2016! I think everyone has taken it upon themselves to decide what they feel is ladylike/gentlemanly and appropriate. If you’re really in the wrong, hopefully you have a good friend that can catch you up to speed, but for the most part, just keep doing you!
7. "One day, a curse word will slip out by accident!"
Is this not the exact same thing as saying the wrong thing to the wrong person by accident, whether it was a curse or not?! Everyone and their mother has these slip-ups at some point in their life; at least a curse word might make it slightly funny!
8. "That’s such a bad habit."
Yes, we know, but, it will never go away. We can try to use certain words less often or under our breath, but these special words of explosive emotions will ALWAYS be flying around in our heads. That's not a bad thing - it’s just more relieving to say them out loud!
9. "Well, F*#! It!"
Get around all of this by befriending people who don’t care about what colorful vocabulary has stuck with you (better if they're even finding it funny sometimes). They are words just like any other and should be used accordingly. Now F*#! off!