Regular people only have to worry about an tripping or slipping every once in a while, but clumsy people? We live our lives on the edge--but not on purpose. Here are 9 every day instances that suddenly become life-or-death situations for those who are more ill-footed and unluckier than your average bear.
1. Getting out of bed.
Starting the day out on the wrong foot. Every day.
2. Walking down (and up) stairs.
The true war-zone.
3. Making meals.
Cabinets, sharp knives, and countertops, oh my!
4. Driving.
Car - 1. You - 0.
5. Working.
Your coworkers anticipate a new problem each day.
6. Household chores.
7. Eating
You can't even enjoy a nice meal without messing something up.
8. Bathing.
Getting clean has never been harder.
9. Enjoying life (trying to).
Clumsy people are the true heroes. Thank a clumsy person in your life today for taking the falls, bumps, hits, and crashes that you are not brave enough to take yourself.