From bid day to big/little week to initiation, pledging a sorority is all sorts of fun, but there are definitely things that happen to everyone when they join whatever sorority they choose.
1. You gain a lot of new Insta followers.
Hello #instafamous!
2. Your calendar is suddenly full.
Whether it’s because of chapter or different events, your calendar is basically never empty
3. You get a lot of stuff during Big/Little Week
Okay, I’m not gonna lie, more than half the stuff I got during big/little week is under my bed waiting to be used next year but it was still fun getting to clean up confetti everyday for a week! (thanks big!!!)
4. People in your sorority start to say hi to you when you go to classes.
It’s kinda awful for me because I have walking bitch face, so if you say hi to me and I just kinda look over it’s not because I don’t like you it’s just my face.
5. Your closet is filled with your sorority’s ~trendy~ clothes.
Honestly, some of it I’ll never wear again but I keep it there, just in case
6. You’re always ‘throwing what you know’ in Instas with your sistas.
I’m totally guilty of this.
7. You learn all the ~secrets~ that come with membership.
To anyone else, it might seem a little scary, but to your sisters, it’s totally normal.
8. You learn all about your fam tree, but you don’t understand it, like at all.
“Okay, so if we’re cousins does that mean our ggbig had twins?”
9. You find your buddies for life.
(I hope my new friends realize that they’re stuck with me!!!)