If you've read my previous articles, you know that I'm not a fan of President Trump and I think he's more trouble than he's worth but alas, unless he gets himself kicked out of office, we're stuck with him for the next four years. So I thought, "why not try to find the good side of this?" I mean, after all, there HAS to be something good about his presidency...right?
After doing some soul searching, I think I've come up with some satisfying answers.
1. Ivanka's Instagram
You can't tell me that her video of Theodore crawling on the floor of the White House isn't the cutest thing to come out of this year. I love her #aesthetic and her "Women Who Work" campaign, it always makes me feel a little more empowered to get my life together.
2. Ivanka's Kids
Arabella, Joshua, and Theodore seem to be lovely children with a temperament that may just be calmer than their grandfather's. All jokes aside, it seems like Ivanka and Jared are raising a wonderful family.
3. Ivanka's Clothes
Yeah, it's shallow but girlfriend ALWAYS looks on point. You may hate everything her father stands for but you cannot deny that she rocks even her simplest outfits. AND THAT DRESS.
4. Watching Ivanka Be the Favorite Child*
I can't imagine what it's like to be the favorite child when everything your dad owns is plated in gold but damn, I'm sure it feels great sometimes.
5. Ivanka's Support of Women's Equality
Although Don has made some incredibly derogatory comments about women, I can't see Ivanka being his "yes man" on that topic. And if she is, she plays a good game (but I don't think this is 100% the case). If Don is going to listen to anyone, it's Ivanka or Steve Bannon and in this case, let's pray that it's Ivanka.
And even if she is a quasi-feminist pawn in her father's game who panders to traditional femininity as a way to advance her career and denies intersectionality due to her privilege, does it really matter at this point? At least she thinks I should have SOME rights. You gotta take what you're given sometimes and work with it.
6. Ivanka's Parenting
Yes, many people are good parents but who doesn't love seeing the genuine affection between a mother and her child? Even if you think she's a morally corrupt chess piece on her father's board, you can't deny that she loves her children very much and it's heartwarming to see. Especially when she slays the family photos.
7. If the Dems Get Their Act Together, They Can Take Back Congress (And maybe the presidency)
This is self-explanatory. Keep Debbie Wasserman Schultz away from the DNC, pick a candidate that hasn't had a 20-year smear campaign ran against them, and stop with the niceties. If you vote no on Trump's nominees, they'll probably still get through so what do you have to lose? (Your next election because people are going to get tired of this administration real quick).
8. A Confused GOP
Gay marriage? Trade restrictions? My GOD, what kind of world do we live in that a Republican president is alright with gay marriage but not free trade? This administration is truly the Twilight Zone for the Grand Ole Party.
9. Outrageous Pictures of the White House on #RichKidsofInstagram
We all know Tiffany frequents this page and I'm kind of jealous. I wish I could casually go to UPenn, apply to law school, and drink mimosa's and look hot while doing it. Snaps to Tiffany, she's really killing the game and seems to be a smart cookie. Good on you, girl!
9. Ivanka Trump
Self-explanatory. Kids are allowed to have different opinions than their parents, so don't condemn her straight away. She's walking a tightrope of familial loyalty and personal truth. The Bush girls are registered Democrats and we don't seem to be jumping down their throats because of some bad decisions made by Dubya.
*Seeing as this article is satirical, we're ignoring the "I'd date her if she wasn't my daughter" comment. Thanks and live from New York, it's Saturday Night.