As Thanksgiving approaches I feel liked I needed to take a step back from everything happening in my life here at college and appreciate some of the small things that make me happy. It gets really hectic here and the ability to sit down and think about the things that make my most stressful days better if something I need to do often. The University of Nevada, Reno is my home and this campus provides so many things for me to love it here and I need to be thankful for all the things I does for my sanity as finals approach.
1. Care Packages
Having a piece of home shipped to you makes you feel so special. Usually these are filled with something you did not know you needed. Baked goods, more Ramen, or some more socks.
2.Domino's accepting FoodBucks
Sometimes in the middle of the night you cannot get yourself to eat another chicken tender from the DC Store and everywhere else on campus is closed. Having Domino’s accept your FoodBucks is a special gift because when you build your own pizza it feels like you have something in control in your life.
3. Nye Hall
Nye has a special place in my heart because living here has taught me so many lessons and has given me great opportunities to meet some really amazing people. Without this wonderful gem of a dorm I do not know if I would really enjoy living here on campus.
4. My Roommate
Thank you for not being a serial killer. We keep our room clean, we respect each other, we buy huge tubs of ice cream, and most importantly you are a friend when I need one.
5. Campus Shuttles
You know, sometimes I do not want to walk all the way to the Joe just to get my Port-of-Subs. We live on a campus on the hill and sometimes that hill is not something I want to climb.
6. Taco Bell
I hate to say it, but sometimes I get sick of Taco Bell now. However, I am thankful for it because it provides a little escape from campus and our assorted hot sauce packet bucket on the floor is proof of how much we escape.
7. The Quad
This place on campus is the most relaxing place because on a nice day you can set up your blanket under one of the huge trees and have a place to people watch. The Quad is my favorite place to take photos of as the seasons change and I am already for a blanket of snow to cover it.
8. Phone Calls from Home
I appreciate hearing from everyone at home. I miss my friends and my family and it does not feel like a normal week if I am not on the phone at least five times.
9. The ability to go home for Thanksgiving.
I miss my mom and I miss Vegas. I am ready for some family time and I am glad I get the opportunity to go home. I have a lot to be Thankful for this year and going home is probably on the top of my list.