The snacks from the 2000's were a totally different thing than they are now. Our school lunches were filled with the best food ever created (that may be dramatic, but I just loved fruit roll-ups). Here are 9 foods that were definitely in your lunchbox during grade school.
1. Pizza lunchables
You were always jealous of the kids who had these. And whenever you mom did pack these for you, it was like Christmas.
2. Sunny D
Why drink regular orange juice when you can drink Sunny D?
3. Fruit Roll-Ups
These were the bane of my existence. There were so many different colors and flavors and some of them had tattoos you could put on your tongue. Whatever genius us behind these is truly a revolutionary.
4. Bugels
You're lying if you say you never put them on your fingers and pretended to be a witch.
5. Fruit by the foot
Totally delicious. Just a foot of leathered fruit.
6. Hi-C
Only the orange flavor, of course.
7. Dunkaroos
The holy grail of sweet snacks.
8. Bug Juice
I don't even remember what these tasted like, I just remember always begging my parents to buy them for me when I saw them.
9. Trix yogurt
Two flavors in one, right next to each other. It's truly the best of both worlds.
10. Ring Pops
You definitely proposed to someone using a ring pop.
11. Cosmic Brownies
Those rainbow sprinkles were the only thing you needed to get through the rest of the school day.
12. Fun Dip
Your fingers would be sticky all day from this, but it was always so worth it.
13. Gushers
These were delicious enough, but then the surprise inside of the gusher made them a whole new snack that you never wanted to give up.
14. Push Pops
These were really weird. It was pretty much just hard candy in a different form, but we were convinced they were extremely innovative. Still delicious.
15. Twinkies
Last, but certainly not least, these were the motherlode. When Hostess went out of business, my life was ruined.