Everyone has different approaches on how to stay fit, and after a while, their fitness routine becomes part of their personality. Luckily, we have our dear friend Harry Styles to help us identify these personalities. Because Harry understands us.
1. The "I eat whatever I want and never gain a pound" personality.
You know who you are. You are the person who can down an entire sleeve of Oreos and never have to step foot in the gym because of your "high metabolism."
2. The "do you even lift, bro?" personality.
We all know these guys or gals. They start the day with a pre-workout shake, go to the gym, lift until their neck veins explode, then brag about it later.
3. The "I'm having so much fun!" personality.
We have mad respect for these people. They have a smile on their face no matter what they are doing. They could be reaching mile 10 on the treadmill and still be loving life. But, it can be unsettling to others who don't particularly enjoy the gym.
4. The "early morning run" personality.
These are the brave souls who go out in the rain, snow, or hail, bright and early to start the day off right. We never really truly understand these people, but they must be happy because they posted a picture of their running shoes on Instagram with the hashtag, #runhappy.
5. The "namaste" personality.
These people speak a different language entirely. Their vocabulary includes Bikram, Asana, Pranayama, and Savasana. They describe their positions using animal names that look nothing like animals at all, like Downward Dog, Eagle or Dolphin. From outside looking in, we may not understand their poses or language, but they are some of the most relaxed personalities you'll meet.
6. The "pissed because they sweat a lot" personality.
Unless you're some kind of demon that doesn't sweat, we've all been here. You're working out, and the sweat comes flowing in places you didn't even know you could sweat. You can't keep it out of your eyes, it ruins your clothes, and makes you look like you just ran a marathon when really, you're on minute 17 on the elliptical.
7. The "campy hipster" personality.
A more adventurous personality. These people love to slap on a pair of Chaco's, grab their pack, camera, and bandana to head out into the wilderness. We've seen countless photos posted on Instagram of just their back, while we assume their front side is gazing into the beauty around them.
8. The "we like sports and we don't care who knows" personality.
Deep down we're all jealous of these people. They are the cool kids who made varsity as a freshman in high school, then went on to play college sports. They are the people who we cheer on from the sidelines, and pity when their morning practice starts at 5:30 a.m.
9. The "screw working out" personality.
These are the people who have every intention to work out, but staying in bed and watching Netflix, catching up on sleep, hanging out with friends, or literally anything else sounds so much better than working out. Because we all need some time to chill, okay? These are the people who are not about to give into #fitspiration.
Harry describes it best.