With finals week here for many of us, I present some Disney quotes to inspire/calm/aid (and/or keep it real) with the stress of this week you may have:
1. "Always let your conscience be your guide." (Dumbo)
2. "Just Keep Swimming." (Finding Nemo/Finding Dory)
3. "The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work." (Princess and the Frog)

4. "Even miracles take a little time" (Cinderella
5. "Don't just fly, soar." (Dumbo)

6. " I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." (The Incredibles
7. "Remember you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine." (Snow White & The Seven Dwarves
8. "Giving up is for rookies." (Hercules)
9. "The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up." (Dumbo)

10. "Hakuna Matata; it means no worries for the rest of your days." (The Lion King)
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