A lot can change in a year and when they say that college is something you just have to get the hang of they're right.
1. The Amount Of Money Spent On Your Dorm Room
My freshman year I spent a crazy amount on everything from enough school supplies for an entire high school to thirteen blankets, you know just in case the entire cast of The Office came over. The things I stocked up on for my room were completely unnecessary and I was preparing more for a flood than a year away from home.
2. Partying
I think we can all agree that the difference between freshmen and upperclassmen at parties is quite apparent. Freshman year I wore dresses and got all dressed up to parties and this year I'm lucky if I put on jeans.
3. Packing
You learn that you wont need the fifty high school t-shirts at college because you just don't wear them.
4. The Goodbyes
Dropping me off freshman year was rough for everyone involved. I bawled my eyes out leaving my two best friends and my family that came not only concerned but covered in tears (as pictured above). The first couple of weeks, all I wanted to do was go home. This year Alex left the morning after move in day and after a couple tears I went for a slushie and moved on.
5. Classes
This year I took classes much more focused on my major and I also learned that raising your hand in class makes the time go faster and helps you learn a lot better.
6. Friends
By now you have found friends that you're, for the most part, completely comfortable being yourself around and that's a really great thing to have.
7. Activities
My freshman year I didn't do anything but sit in my room and watch Netflix. Sophomore year I'm a part of more clubs than I can even keep track of.
8. Food
Freshman year I had the biggest meal plan there was but I quickly realized if I ate that much cafeteria food I would die, I'm fairly certain. This year I have a much smaller meal plan and food stocked up on my shelves for when my organs can no longer handle it.
9. Who You Spend Your Time With
For me this hasn't really changed, my group of friends has remained constant but I got lucky. I know in many cases the first people you meet are usually who you cling to the first few months but as time progressing you'll find people that you actually click with and enjoy spending time with.
A lot of things will change as you start to become more comfortable being away from home so don't worry if you think it's bad now it will get better.